Guest Post: Loose Parts Play with Birmingham Scrapstore

Collage photo of various objects and 'loose parts' available from The Birmingham Scrapstore.

Emma Payne from the Birmingham Scrapstore shares how the Scrapstore can support early years settings to get started with loose parts play.

*The following guest post represents the author’s personal view and does not necessarily represent the view of the Birmingham Early Years Networks (BEYN) as a whole. Any issues or questions arising from the content of this post should, therefore, be directed to the author and not BEYN.

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Loose Parts Play

The concept of ‘loose parts play’ was originally created in 1972 by architect Simon Nicholson, who described the use of open-ended materials in a child’s environment, which he believed was strongly linked to creativity and critical thinking later in life.

A ‘loose part’ toy is open-ended, children may use it in many ways and combine with other loose parts through imagination and creativity. Nature, which excites all senses, remains the richest source of loose parts.

- Richard Louv, quote from Loose Parts Play - A Toolkit 2019

We asked Emma from the Birmingham Scrapstore to tell us about how the Scrapstore can support early years settings to get started with loose part play.

Birmingham Scrapstore

Birmingham Scrapstore logo

The Birmingham Scrapstore is part of Birminghan PlayCare Network (BPCN), a non-profit organisation representing the play sector and working as an advocate for children’s play.

The store officially opened its doors in October 2011 and supports the reuse of unwanted materials that have been donated by businesses and individuals across Birmingham.

Birmingham Scrapstore collects and sorts waste/surplus materials which would often be diverted to landfill and redistribute them to out-of-school providers, schools, community groups, and individuals.

What sort of materials and resources do the Scrapstore have?

Resources available in the Scrapstore change from week to week and have the bonus of being materials not normally available on the high street.

Often items can be taken in bulk so that working large scale, across an entire school or setting is feasible when budgeting for projects. Many of the objects available provide and actively encourage opportunities to explore, investigate, and transform materials.

Take a visit to our store and you might find a range of open-ended resources and loose parts; anything from fabric offcuts, foam, plastics, foils, books and road signs to netting, wool, religious statues, reels, tubing, wheels, tins, carpet samples, paper, card and much, much more.

Collage photo of various materials that can be found at Birmingham Scrapstore

Who can visit the Scrapstore?

The Scrapstore offers out-of-school providers, schools, early years settings and childminders, as well as individuals, the opportunity to access a wide range of high-quality materials, save money, and promote the reuse of waste materials.

How much do materials cost and how can we pay?

All items are individually marked with a suggested donation price. There is no minimum spend and no membership fee.

We take cash and card or invoices for settings if needed.


Where is the Scrapstore?

We are located at The Hollymoor Centre in Northfield (Manor Park Grove, B31 5ER). 

Head for the blue door at the rear of the Church building as you turn on to Manor Park Grove.

When is the Scrapstore open?

We are open Tuesday to Friday each week from 10:00–16:00.

We also open on the first Saturday in the month 10:00–14:00.

Get Inspired

We share ideas and images to stimulate ideas via our social media channels. Please follow, like, and share with your colleagues and families you work with.

Facebook - @BirminghamScrapStore

Instagram - @scrapstorebirmingham

Pinterest - @bpcnscrapstore

YouTube - @thescrapstorebirmingham1122

X (formerly Twitter) - @BrumScrapstore

FREE WORKSHOPS: Loose Parts Play – Getting started

BEYN is delighted to be offering some free workshops, in collaboration with the Birmingham Scrapstore.

These are open to all Birmingham early years practitioners (primary and nursery schools, PVI settings, childminders) wishing to develop their knowledge and understanding of loose part play in the early years.

The training will take place in-person at The Birmingham Scrapstore, Hollymoor Centre, Manor Park Grove, Birmingham B31 5ER.

Parking is available and it is on a bus route too!

There are 20 places available on each workshop, which will be allocated on a first come first served basis, with priority given to those signed up to the Birmingham Early Years Networks. 

Places are limited to a maximum of two people per setting in the first instance.

Book your place:

To apply for a place, please complete the form for your chosen workshop date via the links above.

Blog author: Emma Payne, BPCN Business Development Manager

The team at BPCN are passionate about play and supporting the sector. If you would like to find out more about any of their services or what they do, please email Emma (


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