A Journey into Becoming a Stronger Practice Hub Partner

Claire Fitzgerald - Area Lead (HEART - Midlands Stronger Practice Hub), DfE Mentor Programme

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I’ve always had the drive to push myself, personally and professionally. This is why I left Childminding in 2014 to go and pursue a career in teaching. I was so thankful to take the time out of my Early Years career and to understand how the practical element of my roles sat alongside the theory side.

I thoroughly enjoyed my degree and three years came and went so quickly that before I knew it I was back out into the world of work. I was ready and raring to start a new career putting theory into practice. I became an Early Years Training Officer training practitioners in the field I was so passionate about. 

But then lockdown hit and I had to evaluate for myself and my young family whether being out on the road up to 100 miles away was really for me. 

“Fall back to what you know” a wise friend said

I rolled up my sleeves and the drive kicked in; I knew I could offer a safe, rich, secure environment for children during a time of uncertainty. I called OFSTED and began the journey to re-register as a Childminder. Since then, I’ve not looked back. 

The drive to push forward came again once my provision was set and the children and families were settled; I needed to push myself once more when an advertisement from the Department of Education (DfE) dropped into my inbox. An opportunity to support my peers with training and advice for childminders by childminders; it seemed too good to be true!

I applied and successfully gained a place as an Area Lead on the new Covid Recovery Area Lead and Mentor Programme. Training began and my network grew amongst like-minded childminders, it was so refreshing.

The training was coming to an end as we were introduced to the very new and infant-looking HEART Stronger Practice Hub. Perhaps it was my career in training, or the business mind from being self-employed most of my career, but I quickly realised that the training was coming to an end and all 40 Area Leads and Mentors were about to make contact with a very new Stronger Practice Hub!

I reached out to the Lead School, Bloomsbury Nursery School, and introduced myself to the lovely Headteacher, Sally Davis, and one of the partners of the HEART Stronger Practice Hub. We discussed the plan and had that in place for when all 40 Area Leads and Mentors in the midlands had finished their training, they could all contact the hub at once. 

This is how our Area Lead and Mentor network meetings began; we now have these termly and the sessions offer a great chance to catch up and hear about all the wonderful success stories that are happening through the peer-on-peer support programme in a group format, relieving some of the time it takes to run a hub.

Fast forward twelve months and we have created a programme of support for all West Midland’s childminders including but not limited to

  • Newsletters

  • Network meetings

  • Stay-and-play programme across the city

This has been quite a journey that no doubt will not end here, as the drive of the Stronger Practice Hub partners is always there to improve, grow, and develop and I am excited to see what will happen next.

If you’d like to find out more about how the HEART Stronger Practice Hub can help you in your role, please visit our website.

About the author: Claire Fitzgerald

Areas of Expertise: Childminding

Claire Fitzgerald’s commitment to outstanding outcomes for younger people began in 2005, when she completed her level 2 in early years.

Since then, Claire has delivered early years care in a number of roles, gaining valuable experience as a nursery practitioner. Claire was swiftly promoted to deputy nursery manager in early 2008. Later that year, Claire set up her own childminding business, which she ran successfully since 2008 recently becoming ‘Outstanding’ across all areas of her provision.

To further develop her understanding of the theory of childcare and education, Claire then undertook a teacher training course. During the full-time, heavily placement-based course, Claire spent much of her time helping children with special educational needs, giving her a deep understanding of the safeguarding requirements of vulnerable children.

Claire then became a training officer at an ‘Outstanding’ rated training provider and has since worked in other training officer roles helping to provide apprenticeships for teaching assistants, continuing with her passion of helping those with special educational needs. Claire also trains early years practitioners on a freelance basis and is also a governor.

Claire has just gained the position of Area Lead (HEART - Midlands Stronger Practice Hub) for Childminders on the new Covid -19 Childminder Mentor Programme and is working hard to share best practice for other childminders to enable better outcomes for children across the city.


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